Episode 7
We are in Belize.
I wasn't sure if I was watching "Fear Factor" or "The Bachelor" because in this episode, Ben was determined to make sure all the girls were scared out of their wits on the dates with him. Because that will prove true love. If you can conquer your fears for him, he will pick you. Not really. He's just making you think that.
First date. Lindzi gets to jump out of a helicopter for Ben. She's afraid of heights but so so what. They jump into the "blue hole."
Second date. Sweet Emily. She gets to dive into the ocean and catch her own dinner. Lobster.
Third date. Courtney. They climb a Mayan temple with a million stairs that are straight up and they are sweating buckets. And, Courtney starts talking. She's telling Ben every random thought that has ever crossed her mind including that she wasn't sure if she wants to take him home and then wants him to make her feel better about the relationship ... and it almost sounds like a threat? Does she understand the rules of the show? He makes the decisions here. You would think a normal guy wouldn't like that, and would not take kindly to her attitude. But Ben ain't no normal guy. He ignores the warnings signs again, and he tells Courtney he appreciates her honesty. "I want a woman who's got a little edge," says Ben. Most people don't call that an "edge" Ben.
Courtney is a female Bentley. The difference is that Ashley figured it out, and Ben isn't smart enough to do so. The whole time she is blowing smoke to Ben, he doesn't see it at all. While they are sitting on top of the temple, Ben claims he feels close to his father (who has passed on) and says his dad would be proud. The problem is that his dad is seeing things that Ben is not.
Courtney then tells the camera "Goodbye" as if speaking to the other girls. And, "I hate you all." OK.
By the way, all three of these one-on-one dates were horrible. I would have wanted to go home if I were one of these girls. Climbing a temple, killing my own dinner, trying to conquer my fear of heights ... forget it.
And, then the group date. Kacie, Nicki and Rachel. They get to swim with sharks! Nicki and Kacie take it in stride while Rachel looks sick to her stomach. He caters to her the whole time, swimming with her, holding her hand, whatever. It doesn't help. At the end of the group date, Kacie gets the rose.
While they are all waiting for the rose ceremony, Courtney is saying things like ..."Ben's not the only guy in the world" and "he's not our only shot at love." I wonder what he thinks about that if she's "the one." The other girls seem to think he is. Anway, Rachel and Emily did not get a rose. Down to the Final Four and hometown dates.
Episode 8, Hometown Dates
This is going to short and sweet because I actually fell asleep. I was so bored. I am going to link you to my friend Matthew's blog because he did a long recap.
Ben went to Lindzi's home first. Parents with a long marriage. Nice family. Good visit.
Then to Kacie's hometown. I didn't think this went well. Her parents were very protective, and they let their feelings be known. They wanted him to let her down NOW if it wasn't going anywhere. They were very skeptical and rightly so. Smartest of the bunch. I think he listened.
Nicki's parents were divorced but seemed to get along fine. Again, a nice, boring family. She did make him go shopping for cowboy boots with her. That was strange.
And, finally, Courtney. She made him participate in a mock wedding and declared her love for him. He seemed open to all the ridiculousness.
Kacie didn't get a rose. She was very upset, and wondered what was wrong with her. Nothing dear. It's him, not you.
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